ESG integration in listed equity: A technical guide

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This guide aims to support listed equity investors in integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into their strategies. It is intended as a resource for those looking to review or update ESG policies and practices over time, but will also cater to those developing a responsible investment approach for the first time.

Online summary

This online summary version of the guide provides an overview and introduction to the content. For the full version, including signatory practice examples and case studies, please click below:

Background and drivers

PRI data shows that the integration of ESG factors into listed equity analysis and investment is widespread among our signatories. Investors are also increasingly willing to wield their voting power and collaborate in holding companies to account.

There are four principal drivers of this progress:

ESG integration in listed equity: A five-part process

The PRI defines ESG integration as “the process of including ESG factors in investment analysis and decisions to better manage risks and improve returns”. The listed equity investment process can be split into five stages, which in practice form an investment cycle, as shown in Figure 1 below. This guide will explore how PRI signatories are integrating ESG into each.

Figure 1: ESG integration in listed equity: a five-part process

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Module I: Policy

First, investors will set their intentions, and make public commitments, through a responsible investment policy. These have evolved rapidly in recent years into sophisticated documents with a wealth of detail on ESG practices. The PRI has compiled a searchable database of responsible investment policies from more than 1,500 investors, which our signatories can review, adapt or develop from as they consider their own approaches.

Module II: Organisational Governance

Governance arrangements ensure that the commitment to responsible investment is followed through by firms. Sound governance is therefore key to ensuring accountability. This includes clearly defined roles and responsibilities; staff training and education on ESG issues; and appropriately structured fee and remuneration arrangements.

Module III: Investment Process

This module consists of three sections, each focused on a particular investment style: active fundamental, active quantitative and passive investments. Additionally, stewardship activities (voting and engagement) are not easily separable from the investment process, because stewardship is informed by, and feeds back into, insights gained during the investment process. Therefore, these sections also look at how to implement stewardship activities.

ESG integration in active fundamental strategies

ESG considerations can be brought into the processes of fundamental analysis, forecasting, valuation and portfolio construction in a variety of ways; but responsible investors should treat it as core to the process, not an add-on.

The analysis stage is also key for investor stewardship, as investors can identify potential operational improvements that can be pursued through engagement with company management.

ESG integration in active quantitative strategies

ESG considerations can be incorporated into quantitative strategies as factors (or characteristics) of stocks, where they are quantifiable and grounded in evidence. ESG data availability has improved significantly in recent years, prompting greater exploration of ESG factors by quant managers.

Quant processes can also be split into three stages:

Quant investors can also use ESG filters to put parameters around their portfolios, such as a minimum score on a range of environmental, social or governance factors.

ESG integration in passive strategies

Using passive strategies does not preclude an investor from considering ESG issues. Choosing to allocate to a fund that mimics an index is itself an active decision by the investor, and there are large numbers of ESG indices that have been developed for this purpose. ESG-conscious investors can also create or commission custom-built ones. Such indices may employ exclusions, such as removing all tobacco companies, or be based on an ESG rating or scoring system. Some regulators, such as the European Commission’s Technical expert group on sustainable finance, have set guidelines for the creation of new climate-transition benchmarks.

Passive strategies also have implications for investor stewardship, which include:

Module IV: Stewardship

Stewardship comprises three principal activities: engagement, voting, and escalation and divestment. The links between these activities and the processes of analysis, stock selection and portfolio construction are explored throughout Module IV.

Module IV provides an overview of additional PRI guidance on these stewardship activities, as well as ways to influence other stakeholders beyond investee companies.

Module V: Monitoring and reporting

Once a fund or strategy is launched, investors will monitor their portfolios to ensure they perform as desired. Investors are increasingly using ESG measures in portfolio monitoring, particularly with regard to climate. Initiatives such as the Task force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures have led to extensive development of climate metrics, and their widespread adoption.

Investors are also making efforts to integrate ESG considerations into their performance attribution processes (identifying what active management decisions have driven their returns). Managers have developed several techniques in this area, but isolating the impact of ESG factors on portfolio returns remains very challenging.


ESG integration in listed equity: A technical guide - April 2023

ESG Integration in Listed Equity: A Technical Guide (Chinese) 股票ESG整合


PRI Strategy plan 2024 - 27

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Content authored by PRI Association
For content authored by PRI Association, except where expressly stated otherwise, the opinions, recommendations, findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed are those of PRI Association alone, and do not necessarily represent the views of any contributors or any signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investment (individually or as a whole). It should not be inferred that any other organisation referenced endorses or agrees with any conclusions set out. The inclusion of company examples does not in any way constitute an endorsement of these organisations by PRI Association or the signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investment. While we have endeavoured to ensure that information has been obtained from reliable and up-to-date sources, the changing nature of statistics, laws, rules and regulations may result in delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information.