McAfee Smart Installer is blocked from downloading installation or configuration files

In the McAfee Smart Installer user interface, you see a message that states:

Trying to download files directly from ePO
Trying to download files directly from ePO, Using Proxy
Unable to download files directly from ePO using proxy
Unable to download files via Proxy, Using Relay
Unable to download files via relay, download files failed
Error occurred during agent McAfeeSmartInstall operations

The errors below are recorded in the McAfeeSmartInstall_(date).log

curl Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out.


This problem relates to a connectivity issue between the McAfee Smart Installer and the McAfee download URLs.


Make sure that the McAfee Smart Installer on the local system has connectivity to the McAfee URLs and ports.

NOTE: It is common for a local, external firewall or proxy to block the connection. Review all firewall and proxy servers between the local system and the services.